Monday, June 21, 2010

Photoshop straight line?

I;m making this sign where i need to draw a straight line in photoshop

like the brush tool but it stays straight.


Photoshop straight line?antivirus programs

press shift while you're holding the brush/line

Photoshop straight line?computer protection

Hold down Shift as you use the brush. The best way is click once to start, hold down Shift and click where you want your line to end. If you just keep clicking and don't release the Shift key, the line will follow, changes angles as you do, so for example you could draw a zigzag line.
use the pen tool. then right click and it says something like stroke path, click the drop down box that has the pencil and choose the brush. IT doesn't give a jaggedy an effect. [make sure your brush setting is set to one of the round brushes at an small size before you use the pen tool.]

go here, it's the same effect:
Photoshop is a photo enhancement/manipulation tool. If you're trying to draw lines, import your photo into Illustrator and do it there. If you absolutely must do your lines in PS, select the tool you want, click, press shift, then drag.

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